martes, 30 de octubre de 2012


"There is no greater weight to a human being than a great potential."

The human talent technologist program was created to provide services to the productive sector of the possibility of incorporating high quality personal and professional work, considering that the Sena trains its students for work, allowing both learners as companies find qualified personnel for the development of the various administrative activities carried out in the different companies.
Some of the activities learners’ technologist talent management is: structuring charges develop operating manuals, screen, select, and link candidates who meet the characteristics for businesses.
Also as learners we must meet a number of skills for success in the program when we meet in the practical stage, in which we will demonstrate all aspects, knowledge and skills that were taught.

customer service 

10 Things to Remember When Delivering Customer Service
Customer Service isn’t simply answering a question and sending a shopper/client on their way. Businesses must value their customers by offering assistance, expertise, suggestions, and help if anything goes wrong.  And customers expect to be treated friendly, courteous, and with respect.  Here are some tips for business owners, retail, sales people, and your employees.

1. Remember your objective: Make a connection and Make a sale.
2.    Treat every call/customer as if they are the only, the best, and the most anticipated of the day.
3.    Listen. Listen. Listen.  What are they saying? What aren’t they saying?
4.    Look for opportunities to make suggestions and find new sales.
5.    Use the complimentary tools that you are given to make customers happy.
6.    You are the expert.  Be confident.  Offer your expertise.
7.    You are the advocate to the customer.  To help them understand your product – get the most out of it – all so they keep coming back and tell their friends.
8.    Treat your customers with respect.
9.    Job security- if servicing your customers is part of your job responsibility – be sure you are doing your very best.  Companies care about their customers and if you do to – that’s a great thing to be known for!
10. Be ready! Don’t neglect calls, emails, and customers in general.

-          Strategies in the management of human resources in companies’ downtown savannah
-          How to develop and implement strategies in Human Resource Management in companies Savannah Center?
-          Generate payroll and compensation, according the rules of the organization.
-          Designing salary structures, applying the methodologies and strategies established by the organization.
-          Integrate workers and suppliers to the organization, according to the strategic direction; implement training activities, development and maintenance of individual skills and teamwork.

-          Define the information needs of talent management accordance with the requirements of organization.
-          Control the quality of information management information system of human talent in accordance with regulations.
-          Human talent provides information according to the regulations and procedures in force.
-          Document processes using standardized methods and procedures adopted by the organization.
-          Develop manual functions and powers in accordance with organizational methodologies

-          Selection of personnel
-          Recruitment
-          Project
         Quality Systems
         Customer Service
     Manual of functions 
  Organizational methodologies 

Human activity
Vocational interests
Competency Profile
Rating by competences
Assessment center
Home visit
Verification of references
Safety Study
Report concept
Types of contract
Labor skills
Profile Evaluation

1.    Find the total satisfaction on each client
Keep in mind that people are the only reason we opened the doors each day. There is nothing more important than a customer. Administrative tasks ... all can wait, but a customer should not wait. For this reason, a customer should never be seen as an interruption.

2.    Leave your personal life at home
We all have days when we feel great, and days as we would hide under the rug. You should not allow their own personal mood affects the way you treat a customer. All waiting to be served quickly and courteously.

3.    Greet each customer
A simple greeting like "good morning" enough and although it seems a little thing will actually be accomplishing two things: the first and most important ... you are letting someone know there out there that can assist you and that you are glad that you have entered.

Good morning
  Good afternoon

    Good night

      Good- bye, bye

        So long! See you later!

          See you soon

            See you (till) tomorrow

              See   you at noon!

                 See you in the evening (at night)!

                    Till next time!

                      Have a nice day!

Questions for an interview

1. What qualifications do you have?
2. What did you study?
3. Do you have a driver's license?
4. How big was the budget that handled?
5. How long were you in your last job?
6. What were your duties in your previous work?
7. Tell me about your responsibilities in your previous work.
8. Describe a typical day in his company.

9. What do you do when a customer complains of a hostile manner?
10. What are your strengths and weaknesses.
11. Why is applying for a job here?
12.  What do you like best about your job?
13.  What do you think is the most important part of your job?
14. How do you feel about working overtime?
15. Please specifically defines a technical challenge that allowed him to show his best technical skills.
16.  Tell me about the most difficult interview he had with a client last year. How did you prepare? How did you respond to customer concerns?
17. Think of a time where you felt the first signs of a problem that could have been costly if not detected. When did you notice the problem first? What was the first thing I did to correct the problem?

18. How have your previous positions prepared to take on more responsibility?

19. Have you done this kind of work before?
20. Can you say more about his role as a team leader?
21. "Let me see if I understand what you say about ..."

22. "What do you find it a challenge to supervise a team?"
 23. "How would you handle an upset customer?"
24. "Please describe a situation where you had to use his influence to reach a goal.
25. Why was it necessary to influence?
26. What was your strategy for using the influence?
27. What obstacles did you encounter?
28. How effective were you in influence?

·        example of a dialogue

Interviewer: Why did you choose this as your career?

Candidate: I became interested in the subject when I was in college

Comment: I was also interested in the area when I was in college

Candidate: Yes - I feel lucky to have found my interest while still
                 In college and could take relevant courses.


Bogota, January 30, 2012

Attn: All employees of Grupo Financiero

Subject: Activities Monday February 2, 2012

Are reminded that by official, on Monday February 2 is not working, as it is considered holiday, due to Constitution Day (February 5).

Resume work on Tuesday, February 3 at the usual hours. We asked managers to coordinate their work teams and to prevent any eventuality during this first year bridge.


Adriana Gonzalez M.

Corporate Human Resources

     congratulatory letter

 Luis Fernando Santos Zavala

Dear Mr. Motta:

I am sending this letter to congratulate him on the great performance he's had for the month of November as Team Lead Service Technician. The work has had in the last month has been admirable.

Thanks to you we have not had any problems with the machines on the production, his command staff to work efficiently managed and deliveries of our products are made in the dates we had agreed with our customers. Once again I congratulate you and I hope to continue working together in the same way to make this a great company.


Luis Fernando Santos Zavala
General manager
Coorporación Zavala.

Technologist in Management of Human Talent